This is the first quarter of a 10' (3m) diameter base for a drinking fountain that will be installed in a local park. I am pre-casting the pebble-mosaic-concrete slabs off site. They will cure nice & slowly & then the whole installation can go in at once, in late july/early august. Which is why you haven't heard from me lately...
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This was a lovely 5th grade legacy project with the students at Longfellow school in Bozeman.
Facilitated by Salal Huber-McGee (r), the kids made tiles which were then cast in bronze & formed into the base by Mitch Billis (l). I made a few ceramic tiles (mostly birds & fish) & helped them mosaic the globe; We all had a great time & think the result is brilliant! Check it out on South Tracy, in front of the south entrance. |
Authorsarah lives, works and runs in bozeman, montana. Archives
August 2017